
Sunday, October 23, 2011

Anna Olivier

This is one of my favourite tea roses - Anna Olivier. She and all the teas are doing brilliantly at the moment. The rain and overcast conditions suit them perfectly. She's there with a couple of girlfriends leaning comfortably on a timber support. We trim them back to the height of the little fence in summer with the electric hedger. Then, come Autumn, they are simply covered again in blooms. The fragrance is fresh and fruity and the nodding heads look georgous hanging over a simple milk jug in the kitchen.
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Saturday, October 22, 2011


The Romanesco broccoli are developing up nicely. Seven months! from seed to table. You wouldn't want to be in a hurry. I have about 10 plants and they are all doing their own thing. One is showing signs of purple sprouting brocccoli. But this one looks almost too perfect to eat. I decided it was worthy of admiration for a couple of days before eating.
I have had loads of silverbeet and spinach so I've made a couple of spinach and feta pies lately. I use leeks and lots of parsley from the garden too. Last night we had friends round and I made gnocchi with my potatoes. It was very good and we reckon the best I've made.
Lots of the winter vege are finishing off now-had some lovely cabbages. I made an asian style salad with one. Here's what I did, just collecting things from the garden and what I had to hand:
Soak rice stick noodles in boiling water for 5 mins while you prepare your veggies
Shredded cabbage
Sugarsnap peas, halved lengthways
Grated carrot
Spring or red onion
Lots of chopped corriander, mint and parsley
Rinse the noodles in cold water, drain well and toss in oil to prevent sticking. Then make the dressing: 1tbls rice bran oil, 1 tsp seasame oil, 3 tbls lime juice, 2 tblsp fish sauce, 1 tblsp rice wine vinegar, 1 tsp palm sugar, 1 clove minced garlic, 1/2 tsp minced chilli.
I topped off the salad with a lovely fillet of locally smoked salmon, in chunks. If you didn't use fish or chicken I think some roasted peanuts or almonds would give a good contrast.
Last weekend I planted out my first summer bed. Layered the bin back up to the top with sheep poo, bought soil mulch, pea straw and cardboard. Then planted 6 different tomato plants, basil and capsicums.
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Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Potato Harvest

It has been lovely to be back in the garden, particularly my new, raised-bed vegie garden. My potao plants died back while I was away (much to the horror of my house-sitter) as they should. I had harvested a few new ones before I left and have had a couple of goes this week. Now I will upend the whole lot, harden the crop off for a few days, then store them in bags.
I don't actually eat a lot of spuds - fried too fattening and otherwise 'dead' calories BUT I will have to make an exception here... Boil them first to half cooked then shallow fry until crisp. I made them this way with drinks when my Mum and Dad came over last week. As you can see in the background, Glen's are still active. What a difference a few weeks make.
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